Beyond the Court: A LOVB Podcast

Support, then Challenge with Dr. Michael Gervais

Episode Summary

Elite athletic performance stems from more than just physical and technical skills. Renowned sport psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais – who’s worked with the U.S. Beach and Women’s National Teams, among other highly-successful athletes – discusses the importance of mental training and a growth mindset for both coaches and athletes. Grit, motivation, values; they all play a large part in athletic excellence. He and former U.S. National Team setter Courtney Thompson discuss how to build these and other mental skills.

Episode Notes

Follow Dr. Gervais on at, on Instagram and on LinkedIn. Also, listen to his podcast, Finding Mastery, wherever you get your podcasts.

2:33: From surfing ocean waves to surfing brain waves
8:34: Michael’s beginning with the U.S. National Team
10:53: Resources for mental training
13:16: On presence, time and growth
23:10: Invest in yourself what you want to give others
27:43: Support, then challenge
36:02: How to help foster grit
45:27: Brighten your inner light
47:20: Know your values
50:20: What are you longing for now?